Young Executives Committee (YEX)

The Young Executives Committee (YEX) provides early-career professionals who are affiliated with the IACC with networking opportunities and educational programming specially tailored toward their specific interests and professional development priorities. The Young Executives Committee organizes educational seminars, social gatherings, and networking events, both independently and in collaboration with other professional organizations throughout the course of the year.

Why join the Young Executives Committee?

  • Gain valuable exposure for your company
  • Build a stronger peer-based professional network
  • Tap into industry-specific expertise and learn from leading experts

YEX Membership Benefits Include:

  • Invitations to all YEX networking events, Fireside Chats with Industry Leaders and Webinars
  • Invitations to IACC educational and networking events (at exclusive member pricing)
  • Name and company name (with hyperlink) listed on the member page of the IACC website

Ready to join? Simply complete registration form below and begin to grow your network today!

Need a little more time to decide? Sign up for our YEXChange Newsletter to receive event invitations, news updates and new member showcases. Click HERE

(YEX memberships are $100 per person, renewable annually.)

Individual Membership

Yearly Membership Dues

Thank you for joining the Italy-America Chamber of Commerce

Total Amount
$ 103.00
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