Ospitalità Italiana: The Authentic Italian Table

On Thursday, May 30, the IACC hosted the ninth annual edition of Ospitalità Italiana: The Authentic Italian Table, an immersive evening of authentic Italian food, wine, and spirits, showcasing 15 of New York City’s most authentic, Ospitalità Italiana-certified Italian restaurants. Over 300 food and wine enthusiasts, members of the food and hospitality trades, food/wine writers, bloggers, and influencers flocked to NYC’s Hudson Mercantile to sample authentic Italian tasting menus prepared by participating OI-certified restaurants as well as products from top-tier Italian food, beverage and lifestyle brands. Many thanks to our invaluable technical partner, AICNY, and to our generous sponsors: Bindi USA, Campari Group, Emirates, Galvanina USA, and Pentole Agnelli USA.
The Authentic Italian Table is part of the “True Italian Taste” project, funded by the Italian Ministry for Economic Development and executed by Assocamerestero in collaboration with the Italian Chambers of Commerce Abroad, in order to raise awareness of and safeguard authentic Italian food products. “True Italian Taste” is part of the “Extraordinary Italian Taste” initiative.