Category: Blog

Michelangelo Hotel NYC’s “Salotto Della Bellezza Italiana”

IACC Member, The Michelangelo Hotel NYC, opened its doors on Thursday, October 25th to host their event: “Salotto Della Bellezza Italiana”. The Michelangelo Hotel in the heart of New York is one of the staples of Italian style and hospitality in the city, right next to Times Square and the Rockefeller Center. The hotel combines elegance… Read more »

Member News: Pizzarotti Welcomes Martin Hirko

NEW YORK, NY — August 22, 2018 — Pizzarotti, LLC is pleased to announce that Martin S. Hirko has joined the company as Vice President and Project Executive. In his role with Pizzarotti, Martin will continue to provide leadership overseeing projects from beginning to end, communicating with staff on business strategies and managing day-to-day operations.… Read more »

Member News: Chiomenti Studio Legale – Italian Legal Updates

The scope and content of the “early warning” provisions recently introduced in the Italian legal system by Law Decree no. 148 of October 16, 2017. In sum, the new provisions introduce the obligation of the purchaser of material shareholdings exceeding 10%, 20% and 25% of the share capital of a listed company to disclose the… Read more »

IACC News: Voto per corrispondenza dei Cittadini Italiani Residenti all’Estero

VOTO PER CORRISPONDENZA DEI CITTADINI ITALIANI RESIDENTI ALL’ESTERO Nel corso del 2018 si svolgeranno le elezioni per il rinnovo del Parlamento italiano, che vedranno coinvolti anche i cittadini italiani residenti all’estero, chiamati ad eleggere i propri rappresentanti alla Camera dei Deputati e al Senato della Repubblica, votando per i candidati che si presentano nella Circoscrizione estero.… Read more »