So You Want To Enter the U.S. Market: Twelve Simple Steps to Avoid Litigation

It is well known that U.S. consumers have a tremendous appetite for European designed and manufactured goods. Even in a depressed economy, consumers still seek out and will pay a premium for the quality and style offered by European companies, which cannot be duplicated anywhere.
However, many companies are hesitant to enter the U.S. market due to our complex legal system and the risk of litigation. They are correct to be concerned. American society is very litigious. The U.S. litigation rules seem incomprehensible and counter intuitive. A lawsuit is a very expensive and time consuming process. The U.S. court system is very consumer oriented, and American juries do not hesitate to render jury verdicts in the millions of dollars. These factors are enough to dampen the enthusiasm of any business wishing to enter this lucrative market.

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