Month: August 2020

Exchange Visitor Close Up: Silvia Frasson, Herzfeld & Rubin LLP

Silvia Frasson has been training under the IACC’s J-1 visa sponsorship within the corporate and business law department of Herzfeld & Rubin LLP in Manhattan since November of last year. Silvia is learning about corporate, business, employment, labor, and contract law under the supervision of attorney Gisella Levi Caroti. Over the past ten months, Silvia… Read more »

True Italian Taste – Upcoming Events

The True Italian Taste project is a large-scale educational and promotional initiative aimed at safeguarding authentic Italian food products in the United States, Canada and Mexico. The campaign’s primary objectives are to raise awareness of the benefits and characteristics of authentic Italian products and to educate consumers about the important connection between these authentic Italian ingredients… Read more »

NY Property Case Presents Sea Change For Oral Contracts

IACC member Massimo D’Angelo shares an update about a recent New York State Appellate Court decision which carves out a new exception to the Statute of Frauds, holding that a court may utilize its inherent equitable powers to compel specific performance of an oral contract for the sale of real property where there is partial… Read more »